Ság hegy Térsége Turisztikai Egyesület
9500 Celldömölk, Dr. Géfin tér 12

Lookout Tower

The village lies in the embrace of several natural phenomena: to the south there is the Zala Hills, in the north, the Kemenes region with Mount Ság and the volcanic hills, and to the west the hills of the Vasi Hegyhát region. The Somló Vineyards and the mountain range of Bakony are also at an arm’s length. To look around the landscape from atop the tower is simply magnificent and breath-taking. 

Lookout Tower on István Hill, Bögöte - Bögöte


Legend has it that Daniel Berzsenyi Often visited the village. On occasion, on his way to his estate in Nikla, he stopped on the hill now referred to as Mount István, and wrote a poem entitled “Farewell to Kemenes-Alja”.
GPS coordinates: 47.087837, 17.048861

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