Ság hegy Térsége Turisztikai Egyesület
9500 Celldömölk, Dr. Géfin tér 12


Mount Ság Museum
The museum, renovated in 2012, operates in the building used as an electric transformer of the basalt mine. The interactive museum introduces the natural and cultural heritage of the area, some of its archaeology, and the history of mining and viticulture. In the stone park next to the museum there is an educational path while small ones can learn about volcanoes in a little playground.
Open: between 15 April and 15 October, from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Celldömölk, Mount Ság
GPS: 47.231187, 17.120238
Tel.: +36 94 563 174 


Daniel Berzsenyi Memorial Museum
The museum has been devoted to the famous native son of the Kemensalja region,  poet Daniel Berzsenyi. The house where he was born was built around 1750 in the Baroque style and it has the poet's furniture, personal belongings and all sorts of other objects on display. The museum gives us a neat picture of how the gentry may have lived at that time (the 18th century). To commemorate the millennium, the local municipality had an ornamental well erected in front of the house with the support of the Office of theCommissioner of the Hungarian Millennium and made by sculptor János Blaskó.
Prior arrangements: Tel.: +36 95 472 004
9554 Egyházashetye, Berzsenyi D. str. 54.
GPS: N 47.171500  E 17.119400


Memorial house dedicated to Sándor Weöres and Amy Károlyi
The permanent exhibition set up in the memorial house relies on furniture, books, manuscripts, and other relics of the poet's heritage to commemorate his work. Courtesy of Amy Károlyi's niece, Alice Károlyi, a library containing 1,200 books have also been added to the museum. In the beautiful garden behind the house you can see the statue of the poet, a work by sculptor György Segesdi, the holder of the Munkácsy Prize.
Open against prior arrangement.
Tel.: +36 30 609 0389 or +36 95 395 022
9513 Csönge, Rába str. 11.
GPS: N 47°21.232’ E 17°03.770’


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